
揪團美食推廌 17Life 上帝的建築師—高第:誕生165周年大展-單人展期票一張"

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上帝的建築師—高第:誕生165周年大展-單人展期票一張" 評價





























上帝的建築師 高第誕生165週年大展

一棟至今蓋了135年的未完工教堂,每年卻吸引超過450萬人次參觀,且成為全球觀光客造訪西班牙巴塞隆納的必訪聖地,這就是西班牙建築大師高第(Antoni Gaudi,1852-1926)所打造的「聖家堂」奇蹟!被譽為「上帝建築師」的高第,其建築的偉大之處在於創造力、實驗性,他受自然啟發、經科學實證,早在數位建築尚未出現之前,即打破傳統垂直水平的空間,改以仿效大自然的各種弧形曲面打造建築。


Architect of God: The 165th Anniversary of Gaudi

A 135-year-old unfinished church that attracts more than 4.5 million visitors a year and serves as a must-see destination for tourists of the world visiting Barcelona, Spain, this is the miracle of "Sagrada Familia" built by Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926). Gaudi, known as the "Architect of God," is adept at creating the great magnificent architectures using his unique creativity and experimentations. Inspired by nature and proved by science, his works have incorporated the various curvatures of the world around us to break free of the angular limitations of traditional designs, well before the modern era of the digitally created buildings.

Architecture, art, and science are the inseparable elements of Gaudi's works. Models are his best creative tools and architectures are his greatest experimentation results. This world-touring exhibition "Architect of God: The 165th Anniversary of Gaudi" features 63 architecture models, including five pieces of large-scale models measuring over 3m tall, from the collections of La Basílica de la Sagrada Familia, El Museo Nacional de Arte de Cataluña, La Fundación Catalunya la Pedrera, La Casa Vicens Gaudí, and private collectors. The interactive exhibit is a special feature produced for Taiwan and visitors could get a hands-on experience with the experimentation models to learn about the architectural structures of Gaudi. In addition, virtual creations featuring light and shadows, new media interactivity, and large-scale installation from local art teams are also presented as a tribute to the renowned architect.

© Basílica Sagrada Família / Pep Daudé




安東尼?高第(Antoni Gaudi,1852-1926)出生於西班牙的工業小鎮──雷屋斯(Reus),加泰隆尼亞的第二大城市,家族鍋爐鐵匠的成長背景,讓高第自幼接觸手工藝,因患有風濕疾病無法自在遊玩,便把注意力轉移到自然觀察,間接奠定了日後師法自然的基礎。高第17歲時已和2個朋友熱烈地討論著家鄉的教堂修復計畫,2年後進入巴塞隆納大學學習建築。高第從建築學校畢業時,校長曾說:「誰知道我們是把執照頒給了天才、還是瘋子,時間將會告訴我們!」


?Exhibit 1

Beginnings - Gaudi's Lifelong Devotion to Architecture

Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926) was born in Reus, an industrial town in Spain and second largest city in the province of Tarragona, to a family of boiler blacksmiths. He started dabbing with handicraft from a young age, and his rheumatism had kept him at bay from playing around so he turned his attention to the observation of nature; thus, indirectly laying down the foundation of his inspiration for mother nature. At the age of 17, Gaudi and two friends passionately planned the restoration project for their hometown church, and two years later he would go on to attend college in Barcelona to major in architecture. When Gaudi graduated from the school of architecture, the director once said, "Only time will tell if we had granted the license to a genius or a madman!"

Gaudi's unique style of naturalism is perfected through his exposure to architecture, craftsmanship, and science by virtue of his experience in architecture school lectures and working with assistant architects. He never married and had dedicated his entire life to architecture. In 1926, Gaudi was hit by a trolley car while trying to raise funds near Sagrada Familia, and died in the hospital three day later due to excessive loss of blood.

© Basílica Sagrada Família




高第所面對的巴塞隆納正值城市現代轉型階段,棋盤式的街道規劃、煤氣和電力管線正進入千家萬戶、大型的鐵製建築興起,現代主義、新藝術風潮是當時的流行語彙。高第初期的建築風格可見濃厚的東方韻味,伊斯蘭的傳統裝飾元素混搭在哥德式建築的飛扶壁結構之上;直到1900年前後,高第用沙包與繩索研究出「懸鏈拱結構(Catenary Arch)」開闢出全新的自然主義風格,以物理科學作為實驗基礎,仿效大自然的結構,並結合鍛造工藝、馬賽克、雕塑等藝術元素,徹底將自然符號融入作品中,成為後來的有機派、數位建築等當代建築的先驅。


?Exhibit 2

Transition - Three Phases of Gaudi's Architectures

The city of Barcelona in Gaudi's era was going through a phase of transformation with its checkerboard city planning, gas and electricity pipelines running through the tens of millions of homes, and the emergence of large-scale metalwork buildings. As such, art nouveau and modernism were the popular vocabularies of the time. In the beginning, Gaudi's architectures were infused with an oriental style where he mixed traditional Islamic ornaments with the high walls of the Gothic buildings. Around the turn of the 19th century, Gaudi created his unique naturalism in the "catenary arches" using sandbags and ropes to reproduce the natural elements based on his experiments with physics. Artistic elements including forging, mosaic, and sculptures were also naturally blended into his works to pioneer the upcoming organic and digital designs of contemporary architectures.

The exhibit showcases the three complete phases of Gaudi's architectures: oriental beginnings, modernism transition, and naturalism maturity. Representative models of his works (including the six that are listed as world heritage sites) are selected from each phase to demonstrate his rich and colorful architectural vocabulary with the physical models, on-site simulation, and new media art creations.

© Càtedra Gaudí






?Exhibit 3

God's Work - Sagrada Familia

Gaudi took over the construction project of Sagrada Familia at the age of 31 and then fully dedicated more than half of his life on this masterpiece while taking experience from his other architectural works. The complex engineering of Sagrada Familia can be identified in Gaudi's quote, "the tetrahedron is the synthesis of space, the hyperboloid represents light, and the helicoid - motion." In addition, the height of the church is designed to not exceed 172.5m, which is also the altitude of the Montjuïc hill that overlooks the city of Barcelona over the past two thousand years. Sagrada Familia, the church that is still under construction after 135 years, represents Gaudi's devotion to his faith in the Roman Catholics as well as his love for the city of Barcelona.

The exhibit is personally produced by the director of Sagrada Familia and the physical structure of the church is as demonstrated by the five principles of physics. Visitors can witness the experimentation trajectory and miraculous construction of Sagrada Familia from the 20 odd pieces of models in the collection of Sagrada Familia.

© Basílica Sagrada Família / Pep Daudé






?Exhibit 4

God's Symbols: Decoding Gaudi's Works

Mosaic salamander in Park Güell, roman helmets chimneys of Casa Milà, and the fairytale-like rooftop of Palau Güell... these are the unexpected visual surprises of Gaudi's works created in a variety of colors, materials, and designs. However, the practicality of Gaudi's shapes, structures, functionality, and décors underneath the gorgeous decorations would reveal the inseparable existence of his designs.

Gaudi likes to use different experiments in his designs to verify the unrestrained and pioneering ideas recreated in his architectures. The interactive exhibits provide a hands-on experience for the geometry, structural mechanics, application of mosaics, and natural elements featured in Gaudi's architectures.

© Pere Vive, Triangle Postals.




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